
Signs Your Dog May Have Allergies

rgy season is among us. That means many of you may be noticing your dog is itching and scratching. While allergies in humans present as itchy eyes, sneezing, and nasal congestion, dogs frequently respond to allergies with inflammation of the skin.

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Dental Disease in Pets – Your Breath Smells Like What?

Dental disease is the most commonly diagnosed health condition in both adult dogs and cats. By three years of age, a large percentage of dogs and cats show some evidence of dental disease with either the presence of bad breath, accumulation of tartar, or inflammation of the gums. There are steps pet owners can take at home to prevent dental disease from occurring, but once it reaches a certain point, professional cleaning by your veterinarian is warranted to avoid other serious health complications.

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Get to Know Bradley Phifer – Dog Trainer

We recently sat down with seasoned dog trainer and behavioral expert, Bradley Phifer, to learn more about his business and why he began working with dogs.

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Thunderstorm and Firework Phobias in Pets: Fear of the Big, Bad Noises

Thunderstorm and firework phobias affect many dogs and their owners every year. Steps should be taken at home to change the environment and make it more inviting for pets to seek shelter. If modifications in the home do not help, scheduling an appointment with your veterinarian is recommended. The veterinarian may prescribe medication for your pet to help further reduce its anxiety and fear of noises.

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Bite Wounds: There’s More Than Meets The Eye

Though dog bite wounds cannot be completely avoided, there are ways to help reduce their likelihood. If a bite wound occurs, it is in your pets’ best interest to seek veterinary care.

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